Business and Life - and most especially in between topics that intersect, making our environment interesting, and ohh so full complications and lessons.
Companies are now at ease with the digital revolution. They are now focused on getting all the value that their peso can give them.
Some are even wise to search for free advertising inside this digital ocean.
More noise or more voice?
This is a very debatable issue. However, from where I sit, which is a very shaky fence, I see that this is all good. Like this blog, corporations are free to voice their products and services messages. The more the merrier.
It is just that having to sort all this things gets messier every minute.
The last resort is to downsize. Be choosy. Limit your interest to a very niche subject matter.
The Digital Strategy of companies, most especially the bigger ones is getting to be tedious but exciting.
With more access to free promotion, my only hope is that they pour their money to the improvement of their products and services.
More Purple Cow please so that even if there are tons of noise the best survives and get notice.